'Like Sok know' in essence is a "feel knowledgeable enough" when you really do not know. The problem is, people who knowingly are usually not aware of it. So, how do we know that we are 'wise guy'? Let us take the wisdom of the Qur'an. There are several characteristics of 'wise guy' who can we get if we use the letter al-'Alaq perspective.
Interested 1.Kurang Reading
When the angel Gabriel told, "Read!", The Holy Prophet. replied, "I can not read." Then the angel Gabriel delivered the first five verses which motivates him to be optimistic. As for those who 'knowingly' pessimistic ability. Before you try as much as possible, he first argued, "Why read and read the theory. Mahamin aja hard for mercy. The important thing is practice, right?" In fact, our creator God Most Gracious. He teaches us anything we do not know.
On the other hand, there are Muslims who are too optimistic with his knowledge, so reluctant to deepen. He said, for example, "Why read and read the Koran again. Toh already khatam 7 times. Mending for other activities aja." In fact, the Qur'an is the source of all sources of knowledge, source of 'light' is endless illuminate the life of the world. He said, for example again, "Why study the science of religion anymore, anyway since elementary to graduate college diajarin already hold." In fact, the 'science of religion' is the science of life-world of the hereafter.
2.Kurang like it in Writing
People who knowingly rely too much on its ability to remember and memorize the knowledge or the knowledge gained. He was reluctant to take notes. "Ngerepotin," he said. It was as if his brain is a steel cabinets whose contents would be lost. In fact, the nature of forgetting is part of human traits. People who knowingly reluctant to record every reading, listening to sermons, lectures, speeches, and so forth. In fact, God has taught the use of a pen to humans.
On the other hand, there are also people who are less able to memorize and recall of knowledge acquired, but he felt too stupid to be able to write. "It's hard," he said. In fact, it felt too stupid lest sign of laziness. Emang hell, if writing for other people, we need a separate skill. But, when writing for yourself, do not we will not trouble writing 'at will'? So what wrote in a diary, for example, "About traits knowingly, see al-'Alaq!"?
3. Boasting often Breadth Knowledge
People who knowingly intelligence by showing how proud he is much read, much writing, many hear, a lot of lecturing, and so on without realizing that the knowledge he gained it all comes from God. He thought, achievement of the extent of his knowledge he gained thanks to his hard work alone. In fact, the realization that knowledge was all in the will of God.
Sometimes he likes to borrow or buy lots of books, but read it only in passing or even just display them. He felt had enough insight about many things. He does not feel compelled to become experts in certain fields. If he became a preacher 'handyman fatwa', all he answered his own question directly though outside expertise. He might be able to write or speak as much as possible in many areas, but underestimates the quality.
4. Like degrading Others who disagreed with him
For people in the berislam, anyone who opposed his views, he soon had accused them of heresy, false, disparaging religion, and so forth. In fact, for example, to the extent that she forbids others to do charitable another way even though they have their own arguments. He made himself as "Who is aware", so convinced that he himself would view only the right, while the other views must be wrong. In fact, Allah says: "Do you consider yourself ye holy; He knows better who preserve themselves from evil." (An-Najm [53]: 32)
Smartass Muslims tend to think of mistakes as a big sin and little sin makes it synonymous with heresy and disbelief! Then on the basis of it so easily he issued 'death sentence'. In fact, in a saheeh hadeeth from Usama bin Zaid reported, "Anyone who say laa ilaaha illallaah, it has been Islam and preserved lives and property. If he were to say it because of fear or want to take shelter from the sharp sword, then the calculation is right there in God. Whereas for we suffice with the outward. "
5.Tidak ignored and Disposing of Home When hearing the opinions of others
People who knowingly do not provide opportunities to discuss with other people. If yet he entered the discussion forum on a site, for example, he did not to consider opinions that differ from the views which he has been embraced, but to extol their own opinions. He only saw a glance the idea of other people, then attacked them when different with it. He did not want to know how they argue.
In addition, people who knowingly was being fanatical faction in his own opinion. It was as if she exclaimed, "It is our right to speak and is your duty to listen. Right we establish, that you adhere to our obligations. The opinion we are all right, do you think a lot of harm." People who are too fanatic it does not recognize the middle ground. He was abusing the axiom, "What is haq haq, a false is false."
6. Like Expressing Opinions Without Pijakkan Strong
Muslims who knowingly convey their opinions to fond of the name of Islam without checking the strong-weak fundamentals. He likes to say, "According to Islam this way Islam is expressly prohibited .... so ...." and so forth, when what he really said was, "I think so .... I ban you so hard ...." and so on. If after all he said, "In my opinion blah blah blah ....", he only expressed his personal opinion alone without strong arguments, good arguments and aqli Naqli.
7. Like Arguing If his opinion was criticized other people, people who knowingly tried hard to maintain his view and back strike back critics. He was reluctant to look for weaknesses in the gaps in his own opinion or the sides of the opponents strengths discussion. Instead, she diligently searched for debate and the lack of opponents make much of the power of opinion. In other words, every discussion he aims to win the debate, rather than seeking the truth.
Thus some characteristics of people who little know-it-according to the letter al-'Alaq in sight. Hopefully we know do not get stuck in the same hole. Aamin